Turbo is delighted to support various educational programs throughout the bowling industry.

Pro Shops looking to advance their technical skills  should check out regular training classes offered by Jayhawk Bowling Supply & Equipment. Classes are IBPSIA accredited and held regularly at their facility in Lawrence, Kansas. Topics covered included: Proper Fitting Techniques, Bowling Ball Layout, Drilling Instructions, Ball Resurfacing & Refinishing, Bowling Ball Plugging and Ball Weighing. All students receive a training manual, new bowling ball, lunch daily and a plaque of achievement. Special purchase discounts also offered from Jayhawk and Turbo. Go to Jayhawkbowling.com for a schedule of upcoming events and other details.

International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame
Bowl Expo
Billiard and Bowling Organization

Denotes Distributors who are members of the BBIA.