Chris Wilson - Winner - National Storytelling Week
Switch Grip Thumb
Purple Backpack
3 Ball Tote

Chris Wilson – Winner – National Storytelling Week

Started Bowling when I was 5 years old . Now im 41 years old. I was born into a bowling family where I would spend most nights with my Mom and Dad. And Saturdays while my dad would work down back the Manager of the bowling alley would let me bowl all day as much as I wanted for free.

Other then the basics I was basically self taught and by watching PBA on Saturday afternoons on ABC sports and practicing non stop. Was never afraid to ask for help and watched other adult bowlers.

I always wanted to stand out amongst others and be the best I could. Which I knew it was going to take patience and hard work and tons of practicing. Found myself getting better and better every week because of it. Shot 299 when I was 13 years old. Shot my first three 300 games in a seven day span when I was 17 years old all sanctioned.

I went to adult at the age of 16 because I wanted to compete against the best to make myself better. I have always strived to be a name that people would remember and known. While in the adult leagues I would take the time to help with the Junior bowling program that help mold me into what I am today to help grow the sport I love so much, and also teach younger kids get better from the basics to competing junior bowlers. I always try to give back to the sport I love so much. And that given me so much in return.

Bowled my first PBA Regional when I was 20 years old which did not go so well and my sponsor at the time talked me into bowling the next one a couple weeks later. Which I was going to decline because I felt like I let them down and myself. But they talked me into it and said I could do this and compete at this level. So I did bowl and ended up finishing 8th. To me that was a huge accomplishment but it also felt wonderful that they believed in me enough to put forth the money and believed in me.

When I was 23 I set tied the house record at my local bowling center scoring a 868 series which still stood up until the bowling center that I was born and loved dearly burnt down. That was a very sad day. Because for me it was like a second home and family to me.

Now I have a 11 year old son that is very interested in bowling which couldn’t excite me more and wants to be just like his Daddy. But to me I want him to be better then I ever was. Some other accomplishments I have are my honor scores with 71 300 games, 54 800 series. I have many goals I haven’t reached yet but still striving towards them. Especially our local hall of fame which I’m already eligible. I have 3 2nd places finishes in our PA State bowling tournament. Many association tournament wins and local tournaments as well.

About a year or so ago I was on pro staff with another company and wasn’t having the greatest feeling in my Inserts. It definitely was affecting my game. After talking to my pro shop operator we decided to switch to Turbo finger and thumb inserts. As soon as I switched over I could tell difference in comfort and longer lasting feel.  Turbo Grips feel more secure helping me repeat release each shot whether in league or long tournament blocks. I absolutely love the Switch Grip. It is by far the best product on the market. My girlfriend and her son have also made the switch to all Turbo products as well as many other friends. The Turbo backpacks have more room inside and the 3 ball totes are  more durable than any other brands I have used.

To be honest I love bowling and I wanna help and watch it continue to grow. To me it’s the greatest sport there is because anyone can do it. Every year my Uncle competes in the Special Olympics of bowling and I always volunteer when I can. I bowl for a Proshop staff (Pure It Bowling) which I have been for the past 6 years. Which I couldn’t ask for a better staff nor Pro Shop operator and coach and good friend.

So that is my story I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.